Biology Fall Final Review Materials
Course Description Welcome to Biology, the study of the living world around you. The Biology course is a one-year survey course that covers the major concepts in biology. This course covers cell theory, basic chemistry, energy reactions in living systems, genetics, evolution, ecology, and the basic physiological systems found in plants and animals. The course is laboratory oriented and serves as a prerequisite for chemistry, physiology, physics, AP Environmental Science, and AP Biology.
Unit One: Matter and Energy in CellsA look at how energy from the sun is transfered through a series of reactions to form ATP.
Unit Two: EcologyThe movement of matter and energy through ecosystems and the often complex relationships that facilitate those transfers.
Unit Three: Human Impact on the EnvironmentAn investigation of population dynamics and how resource availability affects the carrying capacity of the environment.
Unit Four: Genetics and EvolutionA journey through the timeline of discoveries in Genetics, from Darwin to the latest advances in biotechnology.